Friday, October 31, 2008

I want Jesus!

A few years back this was my dream ......

The setting was inside of a stone room, with walls all about, almost like a pyramid. - but there was a window somewhere for rays of light were shinning on a figure that I knew to be Jesus. He was dressed in a robe that was multi colored and He was very busy directing others in the work. Men dressed in robes and turbans would come up to Him for answers and then go to their duty. I was standing at the doorway of this room and had a sense that I was not supposed to enter, that it was only for men to go in but, - my heart wanted Jesus soooo bad. I got on my knees and passed the doorway line and with humility, - I was crawling on my knees - and went up to my Savior. Would He be angry and tell me to leave? Would he send me away? As I looked up, I saw all that was my hearts desire - Jesus face. He did not get angry but instead stopped to look at me and I felt such love from Him - then I went back to my place at the doorway.
This photo is "Coat of Many Colors" by Thomas Blackshear

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Dreams in the Night ....

I am a real dreamer. Are you?
I want to keep a journal of some of the things I have seen in my dreams.


**At dusk I was standing in the garden of my childhood home. (It is about half an acre of land full of beds, paths, trees, and many happy memories) As I stood in the garden I could see the grass was burning with small beautiful orange and red flames. No smoke present, just dancing flames. I was dressed in a floating cream-ish pink dress that was light and gauzy and went to my ankles. I was running along the path and wondered about the flames that moved as is a small breeze was present. I was not burned, I was not getting burned, the fire did not harm. I turned to look behind me in slow motion and saw my husband. He was standing there looking at me dressed in black pants and a white shirt. I looked ahead and saw my son. I was running after him and it was all in such bliss. Ahead of my son was a series of arbors. (My father had place some in our garden for flowers and grapes) The arbors were covered with white flowers that where soft and floating in the breeze. Some were floating down to the ground and it was beginning to make a carpet under the canopy. Ahead of the arbor stood my friend. She was smiling and encouraging and clapping in rhythm. (This friend is the worship leader at our church and someone who lives in constant prayer) I turned again to my husband and thought - "We used to do this......."

Friday, July 25, 2008

A Quaint Fizzle

'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

A friend of mine just sent this to me in an email message and it struck me so. As we bump into many faces living out our days and nights, we never know what troubles are deep inside them. If we can slow down enough to think of the other person (me included) there could be more understanding and compassion that could translate into kindness.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Romantic Serenade by Cesare Detti

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Opera: A Drama Set to Music .....

My life is an Opera in the sense that I set to music the special moments of the day.

It is not by instrumental means that the Opera comes about, it is vocal. In the daily chores of life, here comes the tones and rhythms out to the open air. Work or home. Planned or unplanned. Loud or soft. Silly or serious. I sing. What a joy it brings to my life.

Do you have a fine singing voice - someone may ask? Does it really matter? Screech or squawk or serenade with excellence, this time of vocalizing helps me to balance the emotional build up that starts for me as early at 5:00 a.m.

Early in childhood, thoughts rush in of my brother getting upset at my songs. "Today is Monday, Today is Monday, ...." For my sister it was "Abba dabba dabba dabba, said the Chimpey to the Monk ..." Oh, poor fellows they were - forced to listen to my babbling, - because I did not stop!

Even though I have embraced the joy of the daily opera, I have found my true voice and what I want to do with it. It is lifting up the name of my God and Lord in praise and worship. It is the path I have been place upon. Not by my might, not by my power, not by my talent, but it is by the Spirit.

I encourage you to sing a song today. Make an opera of your day but also remember to lift up the name of Jesus Christ.
