Sunday, January 4, 2009


We just came back from a wonderful vacation at Branson Mo. The temps were in the 60's and one afternoon it reached into the 70's. We (my husband, son, and niece) came back rested and happy for the new year - but news awaited us.....

My oldest brother had fallen on the ice, had a heart attack and was life flighted to Mt. Vernon IL. and now is in a coma. Two of my brother in laws have lost their jobs. My job is hanging in the balance until the school year is done. In the world scene, the fighting going on in Israel. It is situations like this that can make us worry and become afraid but now is the time to choose to place your trust in Jesus Christ and let Him be your source. When you place your faith and trust in Jesus, He promises to never leave us, to supply our our needs (not greed, need), to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, and so much more.

We don't need to be afraid, just to trust. Where is your trust at this time? What are you holding on to that will help you get thru the times ahead? If you have questions, lets talk.